Saturday, May 30, 2009

Family Bath Time Fun

We had to re-locate bath time from the sink to the big bathtub because the boys are splashing way too much, and our kitchen was becoming flooded after each bath. It's great for Albee, though, because he gets to be part of the action now. He jumped right in the tub with Cullen:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Go Cards!

Kerrick's ready for the move to Louisville!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

11 weeks

Cullen after a bath.
Nap time with Finn.
Kerrick during "tummy time."

Friday, May 22, 2009

Look at what came in the mail today

I suppose I really did graduate!

Getting ready to go out in the rain

Cullen and Albee.
There's a mini-hurricane down here and it hasn't stopped raining for days. I'm going crazy, though, and am plannning on heading to the mall or Target or something--just to get out.
Recently, everyone is commenting that the boys are starting to look more alike. I attribute this to their duel bald-headedness and the fact that they are both getting pretty round. I think they look like night and day, but I'm with them the most.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A good day

Me and Kerrick
We went to a birthday party yesterday and had a nice time. It's really great to get out of the house these days.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day and Etc.

Here are the beautiful flowers my sisters and mother sent me for my first Mother's Day.
Kerrick on Mother's Day.
Kerrick and Cullen wore special "mommy" onesies for the occasion.
Kerrick's telling Cullen a secret. They never fill me in.
Cullen on the left and Kerrick on the right.
This is how they wake up in the crib--all sideways and snuggled up next to each other. Love it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Two Months

The boys went for their two month appointment yesterday. They are both 10 pounds and 15 ounces; they both have the same head circumference; and are a half inch apart in length. Cullen is 23 inches long and Kerrick is 22 and 1/2 inches long. The doctor said they are perfect!

And then they got their vaccinations. Bad. Not fun. Last night was awful, but we finally got them to sleep at about 10:00; woke them up at 1:00 to eat and they've pretty much been asleep ever since. I feel so bad for them and I've taken it really hard. I just feel that two months is too early to be giving painful shots.

Here's Cullen sleeping it off:

And Cullen after a bath this past week:

And Kerrick after his bath:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Look Ma, No Hands!

In an effort to prepare for the drive to Kentucky, I thought I'd try out Podees. They are these really cool, self-feeding bottles invented by a mother of twins no doubt. My life just got insanely easier. Here are Cullen and Kerrick at eight weeks, feeding themselves.
Now if they'd only get a job...
Hamming it up for the camera. K on left, C on right. Big ole' milk bellies.
In the crib. I wanted to show a before and after picture, but I forgot to take one this morning. They usually end up sideways and all snuggled up together.
Kerrick and Cullen and their buddy, Finn.